Union La Calera vs Cobresal Livestream , Livescore, Prediction and Odds
9 Jul, 2023
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Our football betting tips and predictions for the match Union La Calera vs Cobresal in the Primera División on 2023-07-09 00:00:00
Who will win the match between Union La Calera vs Cobresal ?
How many goals will Union La Calera score ?
Our tip: Not available, check later
How many goals will Cobresal score ?
Our tip: Not available, check later
Our betting tip for the match Union La Calera vs Cobresal
Our tip: N/A
Form Guide
Cobresal (D D W L W)
The results of
the last two matches didn't support Cobresal, as both ended as a draw. It will
create some pressure on them because they have 28 points, equal to the 2nd
ranked team.
Cobresal played
their last match against Union Espanola, which ended in a 0-0 draw.
Despite playing more attacking shots, Cobresal failed to score any goal
in the given time. However, they turned down all the strikes from the
Cobresal has the
best scoring difference in the tournament with a count of +13. They scored 27
goals at an average of 1.8 and conceded just 14, in return.
Union La Calera (D L L D W)
Union La Calera
has been struggling recently, as they won just 1 game in the last 5 matches.
However, they still have a chance to put things in the right shape after
drawing against Universidad Catolica.
The match took
place a few days ago and ended with a 1-1 score. Both teams played
charge on the other, and Union La Calera smashed 17 shots in the given
time. However, Cesar Perez scored the goal for them in the 9th
Union La Calera has a decent scoring average against many other teams. Despite staying in the 13th position, they have just a -2 scoring difference by scoring 18 goals and conceding 20.
Head to Head
7 of the 21 matches between Union La Calera and Cobresal ended in a draw, whereas; 14 have produced results with slight differences. Union La Calera is behind with 5 victories whereas; Cobresal won 9 matches.
Watch Cobresal vs Union LA Calera Football Live Stream
Our Union La Calera vs Cobresal Prediction
The disparity between both teams in the h2h record can be shown in the league's current edition. Team Union La Calera is way down from Cobresal, who has grabbed the top position. So, we are sure that Cobresal will clinch this game with a football score prediction of 1-0.
How to watch Union La Calera – Cobresal
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